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In our 14,000 square meter facility in Mersin, we have legume products, nuts, peeled walnuts, peeled almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, etc., and are marketing, import, export and transit trade by selecting, sorting, packing and storing nuts, legumes and dried agricultural products.

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Benefits: Walnut protects heart health by reducing blood pressure with plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids it contains. 65% of walnuts are fat and 25% protein by weight. Walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats. Walnut, one of the foods that help prevent cancer, has properties that help prevent many diseases. Among the benefits of walnut is that it removes from ailments such as dementia and epilepsy. For this reason, the benefits of walnuts are effective in ensuring and protecting heart health. The benefits of walnuts increase when consumed regularly and strengthen the immune system.

Range: It is a type of dried fruit grown in all regions of our country. It has spread over a wide area from the east to the west of our country, from the south to the north, from the seashore to the high places.

Usage areas: Walnut, which can be added to soups, salads, bakery products and pasta, contains minerals such as magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C and B vitamins.


Benefits: Almonds are rich sources of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper, and niacin. Compared to all other types, it stands out with its nutritional values and beneficial components.

Range: Among the most produced places in the world are USA, Spain and Iran. In our country, it grows mostly in the Aegean Region.

Usage areas: It is divided into two parts as sweet and bitter almond. Bitter almond oil is used to add flavor to meals. Sweet almonds are generally consumed raw. Almond milk, a by-product of almonds, is also a delicious and alternative drink to cow's milk.


Benefits:It has recently become popular around the world for its flavor and amazing health benefits. Manufacturers always sell shelled cashews because part of the shell contains a resin that is not safe for consumption. However, you can purchase raw cashews, roasted cashews, or spiced plain cashews with a variety of flavors.

Range: Cashews have long been a delicious Brazilian food. It is also grown in Vietnam, Nigeria, India and the Ivory Coast.

Usage areas: That means you can use it as an aperitif or as an addition to salads, smoothies, french fries and other meals. Every time you eat cashew nuts, you enjoy the incredible health benefits that set them apart from other nuts.


Benefits: Chickpea helps maintain the structure and strength of bones due to the presence of minerals such as Vitamin K, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphate. It is recommended that people with stomach ailments such as reflux and gastritis consume frequently. Chickpea helps absorb gastric juice and is good for gastritis and pain.

Range: It is found in the Aegean Region and Çorum in our country.

Usage areas: Given its common uses, roasted chickpeas; Used as a nut, with various fermented drinks or as a powder for cookies and snacks. Chickpeas, which we are used to consuming with boza, can also be consumed with other fermented drinks.


Benefits: Some of the health benefits of sunflower seeds are: rejuvenates the skin, sunflower seeds are a powerhouse of antioxidants, prevents cellular damage, keeps cholesterol levels in balance.

Range: It grows in Central Anatolia, Black Sea and Mediterranean regions in our country.

Usage areas: It can be consumed as an apparatus. Salads can also be used.


Benefits: Popcorn contains important nutrients and minerals for the digestive system. To prevent problems like constipation by keeping the digestive system alive. Popcorn is believed to balance cholesterol levels. Popcorn is believed to keep blood sugar at a healthy level.

Range: Adana is the city that stands out with corn cultivation in the Mediterranean Region.

Usage areas: It is consumed as an appetizer.


Benefits: Pistachio is a good inflammation cleanser for the lungs, softens the chest, relieves pain, helps to pass cough. Pistachio lowers cholesterol level in blood.

Range:In our country, pistachios are mostly grown in Gaziantep. Gaziantep is followed by Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Siirt, Malatya, Adıyaman and Diyarbakır.

Usage areas: It can be used as an aperitif or in desserts.


Benefits: Hazelnut is an excellent source of energy, it gives strength and energy to the body and relieves fatigue of the body and mind. Hazelnuts are very beneficial for cardiovascular health. It lowers cholesterol and helps regulate the heart rhythm. Eating nuts regularly every day is very effective in reducing the risk of heart attack. It is good for anemia, supports the development of the body and bones.

Range: Turkey is the world's leading hazelnut producer. The largest manufacturer in Turkey after Italy, the USA and Azerbaijan. This is more than half the total of Turkey's 3 Degree D production of the country's production.

Usage areas: Hazelnut and hazelnut oil usage areas are quite common. Hazelnut oil; It is refined and used as an edible oil, cleaner, humectant and dispersant, as a dryer in the protective paint industry, as a catalyst in chemical reactions, and as an auxiliary raw material in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Hazelnuts are often used as an aperitif in various bakery products.


Benefits: Being high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants is effective in protecting vascular health. There is also information that it lowers bad cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of raisins is also effective for good health.

Range: It is mostly found in the Aegean Region in our country.

Usage areas: Although raisins are not considered a dried fruit, they are consumed raw, as are grape compotes or in grape cakes. It is divided into two main groups, yellow and black according to their color.


Benefits: It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. These include biotin, copper, niacin, folic acid, manganese, vitamin E, thiamine, phosphorus and magnesium. These rich vitamins and minerals offer many health benefits.

Range: Adana, Osmaniye, İçel, Antalya, Kahramanmaraş, Aydın and Muğla provinces are known as the cities where peanut production is made the most.

Usage areas: Peanut, which contains 45-60% oil, 20-30% protein, 18% carbohydrate, vitamins and mineral substances in its seeds from the legume family, especially in the oil industry and snack making, its stalk, dried grass and its shell. It is a valuable plant that is utilized in various ways.


Benefits: Especially by ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive system, it increases toxins and strengthens the immune system. Walnut shell contains many beneficial fibers that directly affect the digestive system. Thanks to this fiber, the intestine begins to function regularly.

Range: It grows in all regions of our country.


Benefits: Almond protects the skin, reduces the risk of heart disease, helps slimming, regulates blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, strengthens bones, prevents arteriosclerosis.

Range: The wild form of almond grows in the Mediterranean Region, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.


Benefits: Pumpkin seeds have a rich vitamin E content, thus protecting eye health. Thanks to its abundant iron content, it is good for iron deficiency and anemia. When consuming a handful of pumpkin seeds, which are important nutrients for brain health, they meet your daily zinc requirement and help boost memory.

Range: It is produced in Kayseri and Malatya in our country.


Benefits: Date palm is a species of palm with decorative leaves from the palm family. Its advantages are; balances the blood pressure. Thanks to its rich potassium mineral content, dates are heart-friendly foods, prevent vascular blockages and eliminate iron deficiency.

Range: It grows in the Mediterranean region of our country.

Usage areas: It is used instead of sugar.


Dried apricot is a type of traditional dried fruit. When treated with sulfur dioxide, the color is vibrant orange. Organic fruits that are not steamed with sulfur are darker in color and have a thicker texture.

Benefits: Dried apricots are very rich in dietary fiber and are among the most important sources of potassium. Since it contains high levels of magnesium, it naturally balances blood pressure and lowers high blood pressure. As it is a source of vitamin A, it improves vision and prevents the formation of eye diseases.

Range: It grows up in the provinces of Elazig, Mersin, Iğdır and Antalya, especially in our province of Malatya.

Usage areas: It can be mixed with muesli, cereal and breakfast products, used in dessert, pudding and chocolate, used as tea or in tea mixtures.


Benefits: This fruit is surprisingly an energy storehouse made of vitamins and minerals, including fiber and potassium, iron and retinol.

Range: It grows in our country, with the exception of the plateau of the Eastern Anatolian region and the arid and very hot parts of the Southeast Anatolian region.


Benefits: Fig is the only commercially important fruit-bearing plant among about 800 species of the fig genus, which belongs to the mulberry family. It's high in fiber, magnesium, manganese, sodium, vitamins B6 and K, potassium, and calcium. They support bone density and low blood pressure. Figs also contain various other minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus, and chlorine.

Range: It grows up in the Eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is a type of tree or shrub and the fruit of this species.

Usage areas:Used in desserts.


Benefits: The pine nut is a nutrient of high nutritional value, obtained as a result of the breaking of the hard shells extracted from the pineapples. Thanks to its content in fatty acids, it suppresses the appetite and helps you lose weight.

Range:This tree, which grows in all Mediterranean countries, is a broad-crested pine species that can reach 20m in an umbrella view.

Usage areas: It is also used in cake, dessert, rice.


Benefits: In addition to vitamins A, D, K and E, there is a substance called B17, also known as laetril, in apricot kernel, which is said to have an important effect on fighting cancer. Thanks to its abundant vitamin content, apricot kernel can also have an immune system strengthening effect. Apart from these properties, it helps in balancing high blood pressure. In this way, it supports those with high blood pressure. When apricot kernel is used as oil, it reduces the appearance of cellulite and prevents its formation. Apricot seed oil moisturizes the skin, creates an anti-wrinkle effect, and delays skin aging. It helps to pass acne quickly.

Usage areas: Apricot kernel shell is used for heating and burning processes in energy production, bread factories, chicken coops and fattening farms, drying industry, production factories, snack production, since it has the ability to burn when dried.


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